Welcome to the Lambeth Safeguarding website
So what is Safeguarding? Safeguarding children, young people and adults means protecting them from abuse or neglect, getting the right support in place as early as possible and creating an environment in which they feel safe and healthy. Each local authority has a duty to do so and Lambeth Council is committed to working with the residents and all organisations in the borough, such as, the NHS, Family Doctors, Police, Education, Ambulance Service, as well as all Care providers and Voluntary and Community sector organisations and Faith groups to achieve this.
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Adults is everyone’s business. The Care Act 2014 made adult safeguarding a statutory (legal) duty for all professionals. Professionals must take action where there are concerns that an adult with care and support needs, is experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect, and who is unable to protect themselves from harm.
This website is for Lambeth residents, health and social care professionals and all organisations working with the people of Lambeth. It aims to give you information about Safeguarding in Lambeth, by setting out what adult safeguarding means and what you can do to get help.
The website also gives other relevant information about the Mental Capacity Act, the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and provides information about the Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board (set up in accordance with the law) which takes an overview of all safeguarding activity in the borough.
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Safeguarding Children and Young people is everyone’s business. Professionals must take action where there are concerns that a child or young person, is experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect. However, safeguarding is more than protecting children and young people from harm, it is also about promoting their wellbeing and intervening early.
This website is for professionals (including volunteers) working with children and young people, parents and carers, children and young people and the general public. It aims to provide information about Safeguarding children in Lambeth, by setting out what safeguarding means and what you can do to help or to get help.
Contact Us
How to report a safeguarding concern
Contact Social Care:
Telephone: 02079265000
Report a concern on an adult: adultsocialcare@lambeth.gov.uk
Report a concern on a child : dutymanager@lambeth.gov.uk
In an emergency, dial 999